The AFSS 2024 Organising Committee would like to thank everyone who submitted an abstract for consideration.
The deadline for abstract submissions was Friday 4th October 2024
Abstract Submission Types
Submitters had the following options to present at the conference.
Oral Presentation
Poster Presentation
AFSS 2024 will be offering sessions based on these topics
Australia and the ‘Freshwater Biodiversity Crisis’
Emerging techniques
Urban freshwater systems
Freshwater foodwebs
Aquatic Conservation and threatened species
Climate change
Management of large rivers
Ecological modelling and decision making
River restoration
Water policy, planning and management
Multi and trans-disciplinary research in river and water management
Biogeochemistry and ecosystem processes
Science communication and citizen science
Plankton ecology
Fish ecology and management
The ecology of river networks
Mussels and invertebrate conservation and ecology
Remote sensing applications in freshwater ecology
Macroinvertebrate ecology and management
Flow Restoration; Environmental Flows
Invasive species
Population and community ecology
Wetlands in agricultural landscapes
Alpine ecology
Indigenous cultural knowledge and cultural flows
Environmental Decision Making
‘On the border line’
Working across boundaries
Submitting Your Abtract
Abstracts are submitted through the online dashboard.
By clicking on the link above, you will be taken to a web page where you can cut and paste your abstract in several simple steps. The benefits of this system are many but include:Allowing you to preview your abstract and make modifications to your satisfaction.
Ensuring you know your lodgement is completed as you will receive an immediate email confirmation
Ensuring accurate indexing of all authors in the abstract book
Ensuring consistent presentation of all abstracts in the proceedings (overarching formatting is imposed).
It is recommended to use Google Chrome to submit abstracts.
Mac Users, if you are having trouble submitting your abstract, try submitting from a PC. If you are still having trouble, please contact the secretariat.
Mozilla users, the security policy in Mozilla often precludes the pasting from the clipboard without using the menu commands. You can still cut and paste your abstract into the submission; you will have to use the menu command rather than ‘control v’ shortcut.
Is your abstract text less than 300 words – it will not allow you to paste larger submissions. The word count does NOT include your title, author list or cited references
Do you have your abstract open and running on your own computer? – You need to be able to cut and paste it onto the submission system.
Do you have an image in your abstract? This conference is NOT accepting images.
Do you have a table in your abstract? This conference is NOT accepting tables.
Firstly, you will be asked to acknowledge and understand that for your abstract to be accepted you must be a registered and fully paid delegate. You must also consent to your abstract being published.
You will need to nominate whether you would like to do an oral or poster presentation. Each oral presentation will be 15 minutes with 5 minutes for Q&A.
You will then be asked to provide five keywords to assist in categorisation of your abstract.
Next, you will able to cut and paste or type the title of your abstract in.
The next screen will ask you to input the authors, organisations and indicate the presenting author by ticking the box.
After that, you will be able type or cut and paste your abstract text in. Please ensure the abstract is no more than the above mentioned word limit. (Does not include title, author list or cited references)
Finally you will be asked to view your abstract to check you have entered it correctly. When satisfied, you will be able to finalise your abstract submission and return to your dashboard.
As long as you have not filled your own email address incorrectly, you will get an immediate confirmation of your abstract being submitted.
Should you wish to make changes to your abstract after you have submitted it, please log into your online registration dashboard. Click the button “manage” for the conference you would like to edit the abstract for. Under the abstract heading you will be able to view, edit or submit a new abstract. All changes before 27 September will be accepted any adjustsments after this date may not be accepted.
Notification of programming decisions will come from the secretariat shortly after the expiry of deadlines and the working program will be posted to the web site. The notification will include specific presentation instructions.
The final program will be published to this website once available for viewing & in PDF format and will be accessible to delegates.