On 21 October 1961, the founding meeting was held at ANU, Canberra. Attendees at the meeting were Hillary Jolly, John Lake, Jim Wharton, Ian Bayly, Edgar Riek, Alan Weatherly and Bill Williams.
To celebrate 50 years in 2011, Past Presidents and early Members were asked to contribute their memories of the ASL. Click here to view the compilation.
At the 2011 Congress in Brisbane, Andrew Boulton gave the 50th Birthday Speech - Click here to view his power point presentation.
AFSS (formerly ASL) thanks all its Past Presidents for their commitment and contribution to the society:
Prof Bradley Moggridge 2024-
Dr Alisha Steward 2021-2023
Dr Michael Reid 2019-2020
Prof Ross Thompson 2017-2018
Prof Fran Sheldon 2015-2016
A/Prof Belinda Robson 2013-2014
Dr Darren Ryder 2011-2012
Dr Darren Baldwin 2009-2010
Prof Stuart Bunn 2007-2008
Dr Sabine Schreiber 2005-2006
Prof Andrew Boulton 2003-2004
Dr Jane Chambers 2002-2003
A/Prof Pierre Horwitz 2000-2001
Prof Max Finlayson 1998-1999
Prof Paul Boon 1996-1997
Dr Margaret Brock 1994-1995
A/Prof Leon Barmuta 1992-1993
Prof Stuart Bunn 1990-1991
Dr Rod Oliver 1989
Prof Jenny Davis 1988
Dr Terry Hilman 1987
Dr Ian Campbell 1985-1986
Dr John Kirk 1984
Prof Barry Hart 1983
Dr David Mitchell 1982
Frank Burns 1981
Prof Sam Lake 1980
Dr Peter Tyler 1979
Dr Ian Bayly 1978
Don Buckmaster 1977
Dr David Pollard 1976
Dr Keith Walker 1975
Joan Powling 1974
Dr D.F. McMichael 1973
Prof Bill Williams 1972
Dr Don Francois 1971
Dr Ian Hiscock 1970
D.D. Lynch 1969
Dr Hilary Jolly 1967-1968
Ron Strahan 1966
Dr Alan Weatherley 1965
John Lake 1963-1964
Dr A. Nicholls 1962